dict.unpack key with ":" in the name

Falk's icon

Hi List,

I have to dict.unpack a dict with one key which is given named: "00:07:80:46:EB:0D"

the problem is that dict.unpack makes an outlet for every ":" and does not see this as a name

inspired by regexp I tried 00\\:07\\:80\\:46\\:EB\\:0D without success, neither does \"00:07:80:46:EB:0D\" work

below is a patch with the full source JSON in text format I have to get values from...

I bet there is an easy solution....

thanks Falk

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Martin Beck's icon

Hi, I suppose your problem won't be the described issue with [dict.unpack], because the child nodes contain an array or atomarray-object.
I tried a [dict.iter] see screenshot.

How to handle these atomarray-objects is described by Rob Ramirez using java script https://cycling74.com/forums/node-js-outlet-arrays-of-arrays/replies/1#reply-5c3f7bb1280921013c21d9b8

Falk's icon

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your answer, actually trying different things I already came across this but not realizing that this is a problem ;-) thanks for pointing out Robs solution I believe this will solve it.


Falk's icon

here is the solution, thanks again Martin for pointing to the solution and Rob for the cool trick

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